you can rediscover
We started our farm in 1995 and chose organic farming. We use only natural techniques and products, in order to respect our environment, and we are certified by C.c.p.b. (Inspection and certification body for products obtained in organic and eco friendly production).
Produciamo ortaggi (in prevalenza patate, fagioli, cavoli), mele, frutta da guscio, piccoli frutti e piante officinali; per quanto concerne la coltivazione dei fagioli abbiamo partecipato a un progetto di recupero della biodiversità regionale e conduciamo un campo-catalogo di varietà autoctone di fagioli.

We started our farm in 1995 and chose organic farmingEliana and family
We cultivate small fields distributed around the village, as is common in mountain agriculture.

We own a small laboratory to process our vegetables and wild herbs and berries.

Since 2020 we have been breeding bees and producing mountain wildflower honey using an organic method.
We raise pigs, rabbits and chickens for our restaurant.
When we process our food we prefer to use traditional techniques and old recipes belonging to our mountains’ heritage.
In 2004 our farm received the Green Flag from Legambiente, a reward for our commitment in the preservation and promotion of mountain culture.
Our shop is open
Every day in July, August and during the Christmas period, on weekends during the rest of the year.
The shop is closed from November 2nd to mid-December and from January 7th to the end of February.
Opening time
From 10:30 to 22:00
For further information write to info@sotlanapa.it